Sarah Remembers

Author: Julie Edmonds
Illustrator: Susan Richards
Themes: Grandparents, Families, Change, Dementia, Connections

Sarah Remembers is a flashback/flashforward story about how the simple pastime of exploring the world left behind at low tide … and the excitement of finding a cowrie shell, I’ve found one, look I’ve found one, links generations of Sarah’s family.

The shift in time occurs when Sarah, aged about ten realises summers spent with Nan by the sea are coming to an end. The story flashes forward to when Sarah visits the sea with her daughter, and if the tide is just right, they search for cowries and the cry, I’ve found one, look I’ve found one, is heard once again.

Susan Richards brings Sarah Remembers to life with her evocative, vintage style, watercolour illustrations.

  • Book design by Natalie at Ideas Ministry
  • Printed and bound by DB Bookbinders, Moorabbin Victoria
  • Released January 2019
  • Ages 5+
  • Paperback
  • ISBN 978-0-646-98088-1
  • $19.99 (plus $2 postage within Australia)